[Beginning record: 2075.12.25.]
[Static. The screen clears up to reveal a bridge of an early HGR starship. A Centurist in a combat armor is in front of the camera, fiddling and adjusting it.]
Leader Regimentist Jones
"Are we on the line, Centurist?"
Centurist Gábor
"Y- yes, I.... think so, Leader Regimentist."
Leader Regimentist Jones
"Alright, then, let's get this show on the road."
[Gábor leaves the pov of the camera. The Leader Regimentist steps into view, taking position. He clears his throat.]
"If anyone recieves this recording into, it is because we, the HGR, have made it. I am OF-9 Leader Regimentist Jones, commanding officer of the Hungarian FTL Starship "Conqueror", en route to a new star system we have found using one of our probing satellites. Call us insane if you will, but this is our only course of escape. We believe this system contains planets habitable enough for us to call home. That is why we dubbed the new system "New Budapest". We have made designs to create our starship fleets, gathered enough of their technology and resources, and we are carrying billions of Hungarians to that single star system. Already, there are NSL and ESU starships currently hot on our trails, but we've made them busy for a while using a lure to trick them into thinking they are enemies and against each other.
"What is the Conqueror?" you might ask. Well, I'll explain it: having got our hands on advanced starship and FTL technology, we were constructing this fine starship, well-hidden from the controlling governments and the other states, based on one of our designs. Just in case we're attacked, we've armed it with our Magma Plasma Launchers, Laser Interceptors and Missile Launchers. When the Conqueror was finished, we've loaded everything into the ship we had, installed the FTL drive, and bided our time, waiting for the right time to strike.
As of this, we've declared independence from all 4 major powers by launching the Vándor and set the navcoms for the new system. It sure got the NSL in a shock they'll never forget. Unfortunately, it wasn't without side effects: NSL ships were hot on our tail and tried to shoot us down, but try all they want - it's too late to stop us now.
The FTL jump will commence in just one minute. Our ship's FTL Drives are at 95% and rising. By the time we warp into the new system, we'll be at last home free. To all of those who are left behind on Earth and under the grip of the NSL, may God be with you at all times, and to everyone else aboard the ship... good luck everyone.
Engineer, report FTL Drive charge status. [Engineer: We've hit the 100%, sir.] Excellent. Commence Hyperspace Jump to "New Budapest" at once. Remember, if we misjump, we're history. [Crewman: Yup, and winding up on the wrong side of a Lenin-class will ruin your whole day.] FTL Jump in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Hyperspace Jump!"
[The FTL Starship jumps into hyperspace. As the bridge went bright, static comes up again.
[Terminating record: 2075.12.25.]
2007. nov. 15.
2007. nov. 3.
Imperial Japanese Star Fleet
A Megacorp-loyal fanatic faction now stands between us and total survival.

The Imperial Japanese Star Fleet
The Japanese spacefleet has a very "corporate" feel; apart from those personnel directly exposed to combat, the typical officer comes over more like a career bureaucrat than like a typical military man. The combat arms are another story, however, with a tolerance for eccentricity which is not only greater than that in most of Japanese society but is sometimes greater than that of allied navies. Only one thing matters: competence. Promotion is rapid where ability is proven; some IJSF capital-ship captains are barely out of their teens.
The IJSF emblem is a rayed bright red, yellow or white circle on a black field. The black field is unique to the IJSF; other arms of the Japanese military, and indeed civilian flag users in Imperial Japan, use a white field (and typically a slightly more muted red).
Again, like the ESU, you will be military-trained and informed about their starships. The IJSF are far technologically superior to our own and are extremely armed with the most dangerous weapons they have in their arsenal, including the deadly Hyperspatial Distortion Cannon, but don't expect their Starships to last forever - IJSF hulls are typically weak; armour is generally not used, and screens only on dedicated fighter-carrier units. Nonetheless, they are a force not to be reckoned with.
---IJSF Starship Database---

Katana MME-9X Fighter
A Megacorp-loyal fanatic faction now stands between us and total survival.
The Imperial Japanese Star Fleet
The Japanese spacefleet has a very "corporate" feel; apart from those personnel directly exposed to combat, the typical officer comes over more like a career bureaucrat than like a typical military man. The combat arms are another story, however, with a tolerance for eccentricity which is not only greater than that in most of Japanese society but is sometimes greater than that of allied navies. Only one thing matters: competence. Promotion is rapid where ability is proven; some IJSF capital-ship captains are barely out of their teens.
The IJSF emblem is a rayed bright red, yellow or white circle on a black field. The black field is unique to the IJSF; other arms of the Japanese military, and indeed civilian flag users in Imperial Japan, use a white field (and typically a slightly more muted red).
Again, like the ESU, you will be military-trained and informed about their starships. The IJSF are far technologically superior to our own and are extremely armed with the most dangerous weapons they have in their arsenal, including the deadly Hyperspatial Distortion Cannon, but don't expect their Starships to last forever - IJSF hulls are typically weak; armour is generally not used, and screens only on dedicated fighter-carrier units. Nonetheless, they are a force not to be reckoned with.
---IJSF Starship Database---
Katana MME-9X Fighter
Ashigaru-class Patrol Frigate
Soyokaze-class Destroyer
Arashi-class Light Cruiser
Samurai-class Heavy Cruiser
Kesshi class Battlecruiser
Yamato-class Battleship
Musashi-class Super Battleship
Shogun-class Command Dreadnought
Hiryu class Light Carrier
Akagi-class Heavy Carrier
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