2009. szept. 27.

Total Annihilation - Spring Engine

Make no mistake, fatal even, femmes 'n mechs - Total Annihilation is, simply put, the ultimate in futurisitic, firepower-packed and explosive RTS Games made by that Canuck Chris Taylor, the man large 'n in charge of it, also responsible for its equally explosive spiritual sequel, Supreme Commander. This one's got it all: 2 sides (Arm and Core) in an extragalactic fight to the death, hundreds of robotic military machines thrown into battle, crashin' smoulderin' hulks o' metal, explosions, mayhem and victory - to paraphrase Taylor. What's even sweeter, TA's even moddable, just like SupCom is. Take Talon for example - a 3rd faction consisting of the Core's betrayed cyborg clones filled with hatred, ready to tear the other 2 to shreds with their advanced military technologies... but our Arm 'n Core friends have some new techs up their long, metal-covered, nanolathed sleeves too.

But sometimes, 3D troops on 2D enviorments just won't make the cut. Something more... full-scale, in a completely 3D enviroment, ready to adapt to ANY kind of war, anything, anywhere, anytime, is in order. And take a wild guess what would fill the bill...

That's right, femmes and mechs:

Nanolathed by them Swedish Yankspankers folks and licensed under the GNU GPL, Spring intends to bring the gameplay experience of Total Annihilation (TA) into three dimensions - and guess what, it's even fully moddable. From the most innonatively active Complete Annihilation to fresh originals like P.U.R.E. to the completely at balance Balanced Annihilation, no 2 battle's EVER the same in the Spring Project - and no 2 enemies are spared the agony of having themselves rained upon by barrage after barrage of heavy fire.

But there are some battles where strategy alone just won't be enough to bring your enemy to knees. What last choice leaves you? You guessed it... go into FPS mode in one of your units and charge into the white-hot middle of the battle in 4 millenia of war, gunz'a'blazin' and full steam ahead! If you thought Machines, BattleZone and Urban Assault are the only RTS/FPS games on the block... too bad for you.

So what are you waitin' for like an idle Construction unit? Report to http://springrts.com/, grab the Spring RTS Engine and hit the frontlines, soldier - clone or pattern!

2009. szept. 12.

SOLDAT - 2D Run 'n Gun TPS

What will you get when you take Liero, Scorched Earth, combine with elements from Worms and Counter-Strike, threw it all into a nasty-lookin' blender and let it rip? Well, 1 picture = 1000 words:

From the twisted minds of Nick "EnEsCe" Cooper & Michal Marcinkowski comes this blood-soaked, online, 2d run 'n gun, third person shooter gem from our Polish friends. From gripping on each other's throats on gun-point in ever-classic DeathMatches to goin' Rambo on your enemies' sorry bottoms in Rambomatch, you won't let Soldat's lack o' 3D catch ya off guard in this ultimately gory fragfest - and with some jetboots thrown in for REAL good measure. Just visualize givin' your opponent the anti-armor bullet-based pain from the nasty ol' M82 or even the Ol' Painless Minigun from Predator while flying with jetboots, and multiply the pleasure of the kill a hundredfold... then you'll get the picture.

Too bad Soldat's SHAREWARE - but that's OK, registration unlocks extra aesthetic options, such as colored jet flames and custom interfaces, to liven things up. And speakin' o' which, Soldat can also be modded - take X-COM: Soldat and Eradication Wars for examples. The X-COM mod brings to you the weapons, technology and aliens from the realm of X-COM, while Eradication Wars puts the "Heavy Metal" into "Heavy Metal War" with nasty, gun-totin', 30ft tall humanoid mechs.

Oh yes - and the F.E.A.R. mods, both Henito Kisou's and wolfbr's versions? Shows you how it feels to be the pointman of the First Encounter Assault Recon in Replica-rippin' tactical combat fun... combined with the fast 'n furiously paced deathmatch of Quake.

Convinced enough to play Soldat? Then why not take a leap into http://www.soldat.pl/ and go get 'em, Tiger? Trust me - you won't regret this rip-roarin' 2D fragathon of a lifetime.

As a finishing note, while Soldat is the apogee of Polish game design, the priveledge of Hungarian Sci-Fi games is... you guessed it: