--- Establishing personal log - 2007.06.24... ---
Captain's personal log, 2007.06.24.
It has been a while since the constant battles between the 2 Exiled Hiigaran races: the Taiidan and the Kushan. The Casualties were high, and the battle only escalates till the end, that is.
In other words: Thanks to nostalgia, I am now playing Homeworld once more.
Meanwhile, I was making a Full Thrust nation called the HGR - the Hungarian Galactic Republic. The faction is a rebel faction, they have broke out the Neu Swabian Leauge in order to accomplish their #1 mission: the complete and total annihilation of the ruskie Eurasian Solar Union. Having allied with the UNSC and traded vital resources for their Grasers and AM-Torpedoes, the HGR looks forward to punish the ESU for their past crimes - that is, if the Imperial Japanese Space Force (IJSF) and the NSL don't get them red-handed first....
I use the Star Fleet Battles ship terminology, so the listing is from BB (battleship) to FT (fighter) class starships.
The List of HGR Ships
Budapest class BB
Vezér (Leader) class CV
Nyilas (Archer) class TCA
Carpatia class CA
Honvédő (Home Defender) class CL
Vándor (Wanderer) class FF
Vadász (Hunter) class CR
Turul class FT
Enough for now, the battlefield of space is calling my name. Terminating personal log.
--- Terminating personal log -2007.06.24... ---
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