in fact, we have just begun!
---The Hungarian Galactic Republic---
Presenting the next generation of the HGR, its starships and worlds like nothing you have ever seen before. We stand strong and together against the tyranny of the Eurasian Solar Union as long as we are still alive and have the will to fight. With the new Starship designs and technology, we will surely end the HGR Revolution and crush the ESU, even if it means it is the last thing we will ever do in our lives!
If you are from Hungary and are new to the HGR, then you have come to the right place to get started. Familiarize yourself with the starships, the technologies and the worlds of the Galactic Republic. The Starship Database will help you get started on your military carrer.
---HGR Starship Database---
HF-X99 Tornado
Villám (Storm)-class Gunboat
Szélvihar (Windstorm)-class Frigate
Örvény (Whirlwind)-class Light Cruiser
Vihar (Storm)-class Heavy Cruiser
Vezér (Chiefthan)-class Command Cruiser
Tomboló (Rampant)-class Strike Cruiser
Debrecen-class Light Carrier
Nagy Imre-class Medium Carrier
Szt. István-class Heavy Carrier
Magna Hungaria-class Fleet Carrier
Toldi-class Battledreadnought
Budapest-class Superdreadnought
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