The logs of Captain Lévai and the Voice of Új Budapest holonews info.
2009. dec. 4.
Custom OGRE Units - Paneuropean Federation
[Establishing Captain's Log - Addendum 1...]
Atten-HUT, boys! Next up for my own custom units for Steve Jackson's kick-butt tabletop wargame, OGRE, is the Paneuropean Federation - which is fitting, considering Hungary's part of Europe...
Ground Units
"Vasököl-7" Nano-Armor Tank HBT-7 "Gladiator" LevTank EM-4 "Spartan" Medium Mecha EM-7 "Sturmritter" Heavy Mecha EM-12 "Centaurus" Assault Mecha
Air Units Eurofighter "Tornado" Fighter Eurobomber "Hurricane" Bomber Eurofortress "Zeus" Continental Siege Aircraft
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